Ben - aka Sheeney

North America Business Development Manager

Loves time spent in the mountains, hand-crafted, small-batch gin, speculative fiction, international travel and cuisine.

Ben is an Englishman living in Texas, which makes sense if you've ever tried smoked brisket with a bourbon chaser. A childhood fascination with stories and storytelling led him to a career in journalism.

Having lived and worked across the globe, a portentous trip to Cambodia compelled him to place some skin in the game and commission as an officer in the British Infantry.

A chance encounter in a New York bar took his life in a different direction and he relocated to the United States to work for a geopolitical intelligence and risk mitigation organisation, where he ended up running a key revenue-generating division. 

When not pitching, strategizing, running operations or instructing, Ben can be found exploring the ocean, finding high things to climb, or losing himself in art in all its glorious forms.