Surj - aka Santino

Head of Operations & Founder

Loves Motown, coffee, whiskey and spending time by the sea

Surjan saw his first classic scooter in 1991 – he was only 8 years old and it was during a routine shopping trip with his grandmother. It was a 1955 Vespa GS 150. 32 years later he opened his first showroom – Vintage Metals.

That day has become significant as it drove so many of his decisions. Surj realised how important good engineering is, and how good craftsmanship can certainly survive the test of time. This inspired him to complete his first engineering degree and later he designed and delivered many engineering projects across the UK.

In 1999 he saved enough for his first classic scooter, a 1982 GP 150 Ochre yellow which looked like it had been pulled out of a metal grinder! He immediately set about restoring it to its former glory… and the rest is history!